25. Seminole County #4 - Chris Dorworth and River Cross
Follow us on Twitter and support us on Patreon. We're back with an episode from the second ring of Joel Greenberg's circus. Chris Dorworth was a central Florida representative to the state legislature. After being named the house speaker-designate, he lost in the 2012 election to Democrat Mike Clelland. He became a lobbyist for Brian Ballard's firm and in 2018 sought the approval of the Seminole County commission to approve his River Cross land development. In addition to visiting the White House with Greenberg, Dorworth wrote a letter that was passed to the county commission with Greenberg's name on it. We sit down with Jay Miller to talk about River Cross and the efforts of Seminole County residents to prevent him from establishing the project. Miller and Beute founded River Cross, which rallied locals against River Cross and in favor of incorporating the rural parts of the county. What happened to Miller is conspicuously similar to the experience of Brian Beute, who we interviewed for episode one in this series.